Saturday, November 9, 2013

On Being Strong and Courageous

Some may think this is weird, but I write my prayers out. It helps keep me focused because my mind has a tendency to wander, especially after the concussion. I haven’t blogged in a while and have been wanting to write something about Leisha, but not sure what to write. If you read my posts on Facebook, you already know what she’s going through.  So I thought I’d share part of my prayer time from this morning about Leisha in hopes that it might strengthen someone else’s faith, or even encourage someone to just simply BE STILL and spend some time with God.  He created you! I’m sure He’d love to hear from you…and it’s amazing how it develops into a two-way conversation!! 


Thank You, Lord for that promise – for the hope and comfort in Your Word. On my own I am weak – I am worried – I am afraid. But afraid of what?

Not getting to see Leisha again?  I will see her again, if not here, for all eternity!

Not being there with her?  What can I offer her that You can’t supply? You will comfort her. You will provide for her every need. You will love her. You will never ever leave her!

 When I’m with her, I watch her and wonder what she’s thinking or what she’s feeling. You know her every thought. You know her feelings – both physical and emotional. And You care about every detail. You are the God of all comfort! You will comfort her! You are comforting her – and You are with her and will never leave or forsake her.

It’s not a bad thing that I’m far away. It gives me a better perspective – and makes me trust You to care for my sister. {and props to momma too!}  You created her. You designed her. You were gracious enough to let me be her sister. You love her way more than I do {and that’s a lot!}. I am thankful that she belongs to You.

It’s a hard thing to be far away, but it’s not a bad thing. If I were there, I would be doing everything in my power to make her comfortable and occupied – because I love her, but also because the busyness of “doing” for her keeps me occupied.  I just noticed I said “doing everything in my power”.  I know I can’t do anything in my power.  Especially 1,000 miles away. But being so far away, I can pray. I can trust You. I know how I am – and You do too…. if I were in Memphis I know I wouldn’t spend as much time with You,  trusting You to take care of her in Your power!

You are El Elyon, The Most High and Sovereign God!
You are El Shaddai, The All-Sufficient One!
You are El Roi, The God Who sees!
You are El Olam, The Everlasting God!
You are Jehovah Jireh, The Lord will provide!
You are Jehovah Rapha, The Lord Who heals!
You are Jehovah Shalom, The Lord is peace!
You are Jehovah Shammah, The Lord is there!  
and I know You are there with her! Just as You are here with me.

I am so thankful You are with her and will never leave her. We can visit her but eventually have to leave, hoping that we get to see her again here. But You are with her, will never leave her – and in Your perfect time, she will be in Your actual Presence – beholding Your Face! Not seeing a poor reflection like we see now, but seeing You Face to face!  Wow! That’s true for me too, for each one of Your kids.

It’s so comforting to know and imagine You with her – tending to her needs – and finally, someday saying “Okay, let’s go to My house – to the home I’ve been preparing just for you.”  And she will fully know You! 

Thank You for Your words of comfort – and joy – in Zephaniah 3:17  “The Lord God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing.”  Amen!  and thank You!!