Saturday, December 22, 2012
It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas!
The song "It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas" has been running through my head endlessly. Wonder why? It's on the radio and store speakers all the time! (It may be politically correct to say Happy Holidays but they can't take Christ-mas out of all the songs!!) It's a very nice song but today the thought came to mind... what does Christmas look like? Lights and elves and presents and the smells of evergreens and gingerbread? If so, yep. It looks like Christmas! But Christmas means way more than that to me.
Out of curiosity I googled the meaning of the word "Christmas" for insight in what it 'looks' like. They don't know. =) The word broken down is Christ (I'm smart, huh?) and mas, or mass. There were alot of takes on that....some of them so deep and bizarre I moved on quickly. Basically, mass is a celebration; the word meaning "Ite, Missa Est" or "Go, it is dismissed" (hmmm, telestai?). In the current English translation the words are "The Mass is ended, go in peace". Now we're getting somewhere! I'm pretty simple-minded so what that says to me is the Christmas is Go celebrate Christ! "Jesus is the Reason for the Season"...so what should that look like? It should be all about HIM.
Of course Doug and I give gifts to those we love...but we can only love because He IS Love and loved us first. And we know that He is the best Gift ever!
We've decorated our house with lights...because HE is the Light of the World!
I've done some baking and filled our home with wonderful smells of cakes and breads to share... knowing that He is the Bread of Life. Bread and Life that I need to be sharing with all those that He brings across my path.
I sit here looking at a beautiful Christmas tree in our living room....and am reminded of the tree that He willingly died on for me. and for you.
And my response to that?
First, accepting His gift of salvation and knowing I am forgiven. That's why He came. That's why He died....and rose again and still lives! If you don't know about His salvation or have questions about it, ask me! I'll be glad to share!
After that, my response is...to make time to nurture an intimate relationship with Him so I can be more like Him. You can't imitate someone you don't know.
- to talk to Him
- to study His Word
- to be humble
- to be an instrument of His peace
- to see people through His eyes
- to love them without condemnation or judgement. It's His job to convict, not mine!
- to be light like He is Light
- to speak Truth..in love
- to pursue peace
Celebrate Him this Christmas! Respond to Him! And don't forget the 'mas' part...go. Go and make disciples. Go teach them what He's taught you. Go in peace knowing He is with you. That's what the name Jesus means...Emmanuel, God with us.
So with my mind and heart set on the right track, on things above...will you join me in singing...
I'M beginning to look alot like Christmas!!!
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