Friday, October 5, 2012

It's not them, it's US!

With the election coming up and one debate down, more to come...there's been a lot of talk about praying.  Some have even been referring to II Chronicles 7:14 asking everyone to pray so that God will heal our land.  Not that I have a problem with that, but I think sometimes we take the parts of Scripture that we need and not the whole.  I know I've been guilty of that. 

This morning I was reading Psalm 5...because today is October 5th.  (side note:  Several years ago I heard that a good way to read your Bible each day is to read through the Psalms & Proverbs by using the date & adding 30s. For example, today I will read Psalm 5, 35, 65, 95, 125 and Proverbs 5. It's amazing how every day, every month, God speaks His truth to me through at least one section of those verses!  If you struggle with how to read your Bible daily, try it!)

Anyway, Psalm 5:3 "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."  Now, I do lay my requests before Him every morning. Some of you may know that I still have SBI (Scrambled Brain Issues...I made that up) from a concussion 4 years ago, and one of those 'issues' is I have A LOT of trouble focusing and staying on task. (There are drugs for that, which I gladly take daily!)  So I write to God. I pour my heart out to Him on paper.  I can't tell you how many spiral notebooks I've gone through, but they're just for me and Him. I don’t think He minds HOW we talk to Him, AS LONG AS WE TALK TO HIM! Wow, did I take a detour. 

Back to Psalm 5. Wait in expectation.  I love waiting in expectation of how He's going to answer...I just don't like to wait very long.  Like others, I'm praying for the election. I prayed for the debate earlier this week. I prayed that eyes would be opened, that God would use it to give us a sense of direction and hope. I prayed that the media would be fair in their reporting. Did I expect that to happen?  Not really. Shame on me.  What fun to see the media the next day! The next debate may have a completely different outcome, but for this one...I thank Him for answering my prayer!

That realization led me to II Chronicles again to read it exactly, not just the bits and pieces of what I remember it says.  As I wrote it down it was like a veil was lifted and I saw that verse differently.  "They" are not the's "us".

"If My people who are called by My Name" - that's me!  So if I will what? 
(1) humble myself; (2) pray; (3) seek His face; and (4) turn from my wicked ways.

THEN God will (1) hear me; (2) forgive me; and (3) heal this land.
I am called by His Name. He called me. He chose me. I am His.  Am I humble?  Not always. Pride is one of my biggest pitfalls.  And I'm not alone. Arrogance and pride seem to be popular in America. We need to be humble and pray.

So many seem to be praying that He will heal our land.  That's not what this verse says!  We need to be humble. We need to seek His face. We need to turn from our sin.  It says He will forgive us, so that means we're doing something wrong that we need to be asking for His forgiveness!  THEN He will heal our land.

This verse is not directed to the people who don't know Him. The bottom line is...the problem isn't "them".  It's us.  We hold the key to the healing of this land. I don't know about you, but I have some praying and seeking to do.