Thursday, July 14, 2011

My "To Do" Lists

I used to be a multi-tasker…and a very good one I might add!  Now I  just attempt to multi-task. Not that I don’t try...I'm just not good at it anymore.  Since my brain got scrambled in a car accident in 2008, I can’t seem to concentrate on anything long enough to finish it…much less finish more than one thing at a time!  Which is so very frustrating for me! So I’m always looking for ways to help keep me on track, i.e. sticky notes, index cards, calendars (3 at work, 2 at home and 1 in my purse), reminders written on the bathroom mirror so they magically reappear when I get out of the shower.  (Which is really special when I forget that I wrote on the mirror!)  The “brain-thing” is actually the biggest reason I recently bought a  smartphone…hoping the programs in it will help me remember errands I need to run after work, what I need to pick up once I get there, who I need to call back, where I’m supposed to meet my Wednesday Nite Girlfriends this week & what I’m supposed to bring.  It's helping! 

I also have become a big fan of “To Do” lists (my phone has ‘Windows OneNote’…awesome!!)…which brings me to my inspiration for this post.  A few months ago I discovered the value of my “To Do” list.  I don’t even remember why I had a huge house-cleaning session in the works…oh yeah, my sister & two nephews were coming to visit with Joel’s visit 9 dats after that; helping with a friend’s rehearsal dinner; making food for a party; decorating the house for Easter; etc…! (The calendar came in handy for that memory jog!)  Anyway, I was overwhelmed with the list in my head of things that HAD to be done and knew I would need Doug and Holly’s help; but instead of jotting tasks down on a piece of paper I went to the computer to ‘make my list’.  I get so easily distracted on a daily basis…’SQUIRREL!’  if you haven't seen the movie "UP", you need to.  I open a new Word document and start typing.  ‘Oh, maybe I’ll color-code it showing the priority of tasks.’  I don’t know if you’re familiar with Microsoft Office 2007, but what fun!  I had a blast creating that  list…adding borders, fancy fonts, a cute little flower for all the bullet points, clipart, a text box with everyone’s arrival & departure dates and times….and a fancy sidebar with a Bible verse on it... “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”Colossians 3:23-24.  Doug and Holly loved that. I’m telling you, it was a thing of beauty! It should’ve been…it took me the rest of the afternoon!  I printed 3 copies and they both shook their heads in disbelief and probably mumbled, but over the course of a few days the three of us accomplished everything on the list!  YAY TEAM!   

My latest “To Do” list… I stuck with pen and paper.  Didn’t recruit help. Tackled it all by myself. As I finished a task, I marked it off the list. I even added a couple of things I did that weren’t on the list just so I could mark something off!  You should’ve seen it.  Everything done!  I was so proud of myself… I still can’t even bring myself to throw it away!! For two weeks it’s been sitting on the kitchen counter!  As lame as it sounds, my neurologist would be so happy!  

As further evidence of the miracle of an accomplishment like that for me, I must tell you that I started this blog post last week. It’s taken me several attempts to get it typed, and for the life of me I can’t even remember why in the world I was ‘inspired’ to write about my lists. But it’s done. รพ  I completed one more thing.  And hopefully you got a chuckle out of it…or confirmation that I’m definitely a whackadoodle!  But either way, I’m blessed beyond measure!  

“In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise Your name forever.”   Psalm 44:8

Sis had a really rough time last week following her second round of chemo, but she’s bounced back Tigger-style! She has worked 3 nights this week! I forgot to ask what she wore on her head….her new wig, a scarf or one of her new hats.  Thank you for your prayers for her!  God has been answering our prayers! She has an appointment with the surgeon next Wednesday, July 20 so hopefully she’ll find out what/when the next step is.    

Also, I posted this on Facebook, but in case you missed it…. A friend/coworker of mine is participating in The 3-Day Komen walk for breast cancer, and she will be walking in my sister’s honor.  THANK YOU KRISTEN!!  It is quite an undertaking! Not only will she be walking 60 miles in 3 days, but she is required to raise a minimum of $2,300 in donations!  She has been holding bake sales and raffles at work, and always looking for more fundraising ideas.  If you’d like to help her reach her goal, you can donate to her walk online…in my sister’s honor at  or go to and look for Kristen Colucci. Any size donation will be deeply appreciated! 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

SUP #3

Well she's finally home from the hospital! Thank you Jesus! This morning they did an MRI on her head because of constant headaches, but Praise God, it was normal! We were pretty sure that they are just a side-effect of the chemo, which must be the case. Also this morning they finally found a med to help with her nausea. When I talked to her on the phone late this afternoon, she sounded pretty good! I know she's glad to be home so her family & pups can take good care of her!

Thank you so much for your fervent prayers! They availed much!!

"And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." -Matthew 10:30   I think that means that He knows how many she HAD...and how many will come back, 'cause there's none to count right now! I haven't seen a pic, but I'm sure she's still beautiful!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

SUP #2

[SUP-Sister UpDate #2]
My sister had her second round of chemo yesterday [Monday] and it went well....until the nausea set in. Didn't happen until evening, but when it hit, it hit big. I had tried to get in touch with her during the day but without success. I never know when to call because I don't want to wake her up if she's able to sleep at all, so I text...hoping for a reply. This morning I had an email from my mom telling me that sis had gotten very sick in the night and her husband had taken her to the hospital. The medicine that is supposed to take care of the nausea was not working and she was beginning to get dehydrated. They put her on some IV fluids. Two hours later they were still there, still on IV fluids, still nauseated. I haven't heard anything since then, but will post when I do. Please pray for her! My prayer this morning is for rest. "My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken." Psalm 62:1-2 Lord, may she find rest today in You. Her salvation from this comes from You. You alone are her Rock and her Salvation and her Fortress! We know she won't be shaken, but I pray this morning that You will give her rest and pour Your mercy and grace on her today!